From Santa and his elves to snowmen and reindeer, the magic of Christmas is rich with creative opportunities. At Golden Road Arts we love creating fun art lessons for kids – and Christmas is bursting with inspiration. Let’s explore some of our favorite Christmas-themed art projects for children to enjoy during the holiday season.
Exciting Christmas-Themed Art Projects for Kids
Art lessons are a lot of fun, and they also contribute significantly to childhood development. Younger children can keep it simple and focus on the fundamentals. As children develop they can add more intricate patterns, designs and textures, including more complex storytelling and emotion.
A Christmas-Themed Storybook
Our first project involves encouraging children to write and illustrate a Christmas story. You could create a broad theme (Santa, reindeer, elves, a holiday adventure and so on) or let the kids think of their own. This activity is valuable in literacy development, encouraging imagination and storytelling skills.
Homemade Christmas Cards
Christmas card design is a classic art project that can be as simple or detailed as you like. One approach is to provide cardstock, markers, stickers, glitter, string and other materials and let the kids get creative. This project encourages fine motor skills as lines, shapes and patterns are integrated into the design.
Christmas Collage
A Christmas collage is an excellent project for older children who have developed hand-eye coordination and can plan more intricate artwork. One possibility is a winter wonderland theme using white cotton balls, silver glitter and cut-outs of snowflakes combined with images taken from magazines. See our fun winter-themed art projects for kids for similar ideas.
Snowman Sculptures
Creating snowman sculptures offers a fun introduction to sculpture, helping develop manual dexterity as kids manipulate the material to suit their design. To make the snowman children will need modeling clay, paint and decorations like buttons and beads, sticks for the arms, with scraps of fabric for a scarf.
Christmas Wreaths
Christmas wreath projects can feature elaborate designs, though a paper plate base is perhaps the most simple introduction to this project. First, cut the center from the plate to form a ring. Next, cut leaf shapes from green paper and glue them to the plate in an overlapping style. To finish, embellish the wreath with red paper circles for berries and add a ribbon loop at the top for hanging.
Christmas Tree Ornaments
Finally, a fun way to create art at home is to make simple ornaments to hang on the tree. You’ll only need silver cardstock, ribbon and scissors to cut out designs like stars and circles. Kids can use their imagination to develop interesting shapes and even add glitter or beads.
Access Fun and Educational Art Lessons for Kids
Golden Road Arts is a leading developer of art tutorials for elementary and middle school children. We create a range of guides covering instructional tips, art literacy and introductions to great painters. Watch our free lessons now.