Welcome back to Golden Road Arts in Oregon for more tips and techniques to keep your child engaged with art. In the past, we have talked extensively about the reasons why kids need art for their development. But with summer fast approaching, children can easily become distracted by other activities. Let’s take a look at some ways to keep kids artistically inspired during summer. And if you missed it, our lesson on working with clay and playdough is a great place to start.
Tips for Engaging Kids With Art This Summer
Summer is the perfect time to get creative. Inspiration can be found in so many places including out in nature, and will help keep children motivated and excited about their artistic journey.
Attend Art Workshops and Classes
Enroll your kids in age-appropriate workshops or classes in the local community. With the opportunity to develop social skills and collaborate with peers, workshops create positive memories and boost self-esteem. Our own Grey Raven Gallery in Beaverton is a great place to start.
Set Fun Art Challenges
When your child is not feeling inspired to create, try developing an art challenge to spark their interest. Building a theme or introducing a new style of art is a great way to increase engagement. Here are some ideas to consider.
- Search for textures around the house or outdoors and create rubbings.
- Start an art journal and encourage daily or weekly entries.
- Have fun outside this summer with drip or splatter painting.
- Create shadow art by tracing around objects in sunlight.
Visit Local Art Galleries and Museums
Art literacy can improve your child’s homelife and enhance their educational development. Experiencing works of art in person is a vital way to stimulate interest in the arts while also boosting a child’s own creative impulses.
Look at Summer-Themed Art
Artists such as Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh created art inspired by the bright colors of nature and sunlit themes of summer. Try introducing your child to a new historical artwork each day to help inspire a passion for art.
Engage With the Great Outdoors
Encourage your kids to collect leaves, flowers, twigs and other natural materials during a nature walk. Alongside some basic art supplies, these materials can be used to make a beautiful collage on paper or canvas.
Create a Dedicated Art Space
Creating art at home in a comfortable environment is an excellent way to “do art” consistently. If space allows it, set up a designated area in your home where your child can easily work on their art projects.
Watch Free Art Lessons From Golden Road Arts
Are you looking for a simple way to deliver high-quality art tutorials to kids of all ages? At Golden Road Arts, we develop fun and educational videos covering art history, instructional guides and hands-on engaging content. Watch our free art lessons today.