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How to Create Raised Salt Paintings With Kids

Raised salt painting projects for kids.
Image Credit – Dasha Petrenko/

Raised salt paintings are a favorite art activity for students in the classroom. By combining salt with watercolor paint, children can create eye-catching artwork full of unique textures and patterns. This project only requires a few easily-accessible materials but the results are impressive, and will contribute to a child’s artistic development. Let’s get started learning how to create a raised salt painting.

A Raised Salt Painting Lesson for Children

Raised salt painting can help children improve fine motor skills and develop their creativity, even introduce some basic scientific concepts. Here are the main steps you’ll need to follow.

Collect Materials for Raised Salt Paintings

Assemble all the necessary materials to complete the project before you begin. Heavyweight cardstock or watercolor paper are the best options for your base, while white craft glue (with a fine tip for applying the adhesive) is the simplest option. Table salt from your kitchen will produce the desired effect, and you’ll also need paints, brushes and a surface for mixing.

Create a Design Using Glue

The next step is to create patterns, lines and shapes using glue. Some kids find it easier to sketch an outline in pencil first before applying the glue. Make sure to squeeze thick lines of glue onto the paper – this ensures the salt will stick well to create raised patterns. You can watch our video on how to create salt paintings for a simple guide.

Sprinkle Salt

Sprinkle salt evenly over the paper while the glue is still wet. After the first application, tilt the paper over a tray to collect any salt that hasn’t stuck. You can then sprinkle this excess salt over any sparse areas.

Mix Watercolor Paints

While not essential for this project, mixing watercolors can help children learn about color theory and how different paints interact. A good approach is simply to experiment with various colors, adding water to adjust color intensity.

Add Color to the Design

In contrast to traditional painting techniques, raised salt paintings only require children to gently touch the tip of the brush on the salt. The paint will then move naturally across the salt line to create an interesting effect. When you apply different colors they will blend naturally to create beautiful color combinations.

Let the Paint Dry

The final step is to let the paint dry without touching or moving it. The drying process can take at least a few hours, though it’s best left overnight to see the final results. One of the benefits of art for kids is the opportunity to learn and reflect, so take advantage of this by discussing the final artwork and a child’s impressions of their textured design.

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